发布于:2015-12-21 09:31
发布于:2015-12-21 09:42
选个好的 才有保证 这话没错
少男少女如何与异性相处 多少岁的女人性欲会减退 求婚表白 “裸婚”中裸出来的真爱观 我和一个富婆的畸形恋 我为婚外艳遇付出昂贵代价 《婚姻谁做主》聚焦婚恋观 张萌高宝宝吵翻天 传郭晶晶怀四胞胎奉子成婚 7年情史太坎坷(图)(全文) 86版《西游记》“八戒媳妇”美艳近照曝光(图) [url= http://www.mengou.net/399.html]梦见穿别人的旧鞋是什么意思- [/url] 关于军人的名言 《对我说谎试试》收视率垫底 尹恩惠拜见会长 包皮手术后会造成阳痿吗? 胡歌删掉回应恋情微博:是我不适合这里 电影《催命符》导演周晓鹏 是技术工更是颜值控 家庭教育:父母最坏与最好的五句话 产褥 处男 围城中女人常有的10种强迫症心态 《玉王》开拍 展示揭阳“玉文化” |
发布于:2015-12-21 09:48
发布于:2015-12-21 09:49
发布于:2015-12-21 10:01
A Handbook of
Statistical Analyses Using R SECOND EDITION Brian S. Everitt and Ibrsten Hothorn [size=24px] List of Figures 1.1 Histograms of the market value and the logarithm of the market value for the companies contained in the Forbes 2000 list. 19 1.2 Raw scatterplot of the logarithms of market value and sales. 20 1.3 Scatterplot with transparent shading of points of the logarithms of market value and sales. 21 1.4 Boxplots of the logarithms of the market value for four selected countries, the width of the boxes is proportional to the square roots of the number of companies. 22 2.1 Histogram (top) and boxplot (bottom) of malignant melanoma mortality rates. 30 2.2 Parallel boxplots of malignant melanoma mortality rates by contiguity to an ocean. 31 2.3 Estimated densities of malignant melanoma mortality rates by contiguity to an ocean. 32 2.4 Scatterplot of malignant melanoma mortality rates by geographical location. 33 2.5 Scatterplot of malignant melanoma mortality rates against latitude. 34 2.6 Bar chart of happiness. 35 2.7 Spineplot of health status and happiness. 36 2.8 Spinogram (left) and conditional density plot (right) of happiness depending on log-income 38 3.1 Boxplots of estimates of room width in feet and metres (after conversion to feet) and normal probability plots of estimates of room width made in feet and in metres. 55 3.2 R output of the independent samples t-test for the roomwidth data. 56 3.3 R output of the independent samples Welch test for the roomwidth data. 56 3.4 R output of the Wilcoxon rank sum test for the roomwidth data. 57 3.5 Boxplot and normal probability plot for differences between the two mooring methods. 58 ? 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC 3.6 R output of the paired t-test for the waves data. 59 3.7 R output of the Wilcoxon signed rank test for the waves data. 59 3.8 Enhanced scatterplot of water hardness and mortality, showing both the joint and the marginal distributions and, in addition, the location of the city by different plotting symbols. 60 3.9 R output of Pearsons’ correlation coefficient for the water data. 61 3.10 R output of the chi-squared test for the pistonrings data. 61 3.11 Association plot of the residuals for the pistonrings data. 62 3.12 R output of McNemar’s test for the rearrests data. 63 3.13 R output of an exact version of McNemar’s test for the rearrests data computed via a binomial test. 63 4.1 An approximation for the conditional distribution of the difference of mean roomwidth estimates in the feet and metres group under the null hypothesis. The vertical lines show the negative and positive absolute value of the test statistic T obtained from the original data. 71 [size=24px] v珠君 [size=24px] 联系QQ:526781618 淘宝旺旺:跟朝流走 有需要的欢迎联系!专业代购电子书 [size=24px]ebook 英文电子书代购 |